New Records and Measures for Covid-19 in the United States

New Records and Measures for Covid-19 in the United States

The United States has hit another record day for coronavirus, with 278,920 new cases reported on Saturday January 9th. In addition to the mass influx of new cases, the U.S. also reported 3,603 new deaths from covid-19, just two days after reporting the most recent mortality high of 4,110. Among the nation, the state of California continues to suffer the worst with 49,685 new cases reported on Saturday with 695 deaths, according to California health authorities. 

The U.S. has now surpassed 22 million cases and these surges across the country largely reflect travel and gatherings held throughout the holiday season. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, among other experts, warned against holiday gatherings and travel in order to prevent surges like ones seen after the Thanksgiving weekend. Nonetheless, millions of travelers were screened at airports over the Christmas and New Years holidays according to TSA, and we are now experiencing the post-seasonal surge.

In order to control the spread of covid-19 many states have put travel restrictions in place, such as mandatory quarantines and testing measures. For example, travelers returning to Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, or Washington, D.C. must produce a negative test result within 72-hours of arrival or they may be subject to a 10-day quarantine. Travelers returning from certain states may be exempt, but it is up to the state’s specific measures. As for other states like California, a 10-day quarantine upon return is encouraged regardless of test results as it may take time for the virus to develop.

As cases continue to rise, states are doing their best to track new cases and enforce guidelines to slow the spread of coronavirus. In the meantime, let us all do our part to wear masks, stay home as much as possible, and wash our hands. We can also go the extra mile by moving our bodies (at home), nourishing our bodies with nutrient-dense foods, and getting plenty of rest.

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