Recent High Profile COVID-19 Cases

Recent High Profile COVID-19 Cases

There have been some recent high profile cases of COVID-19. This is a stark reminder to all of us that quarantining, social distancing and wearing masks are measures that we cannot let up on. Here are some major headlines that have occurred this week... 

1. POTUS and FLOTUS both test positive for COVID-19. Both quarantining and as of this writing  are in the hospital under the watchful eyes of their doctor. There were some serious concerns with the POTUS during the first critical 48 hour period. 

2. 18 members of the Tennessee Titan's tests positive. Currently under scrutiny for not following NFL protocols. Cam Newton from the New England Patriots and their game with the Kansas City Chiefs rescheduled to Monday Night. 

3. Schools in New York are closing with reports saying neighborhoods have a 3% positivity rate remaining steady for 7 straight days.

These are just the 3 major news headlines with many others... it's shocking how much our society has changed. I recently saw a video of children blowing out candles at their birthday party. It was quite a thought to realize that that is something we might be doing anymore. Personally, I think it is now considered bad etiquette if we were to have a small birthday party and serve cake that one of the kids had just blown the candles on. 

Let us all face our new realities as logical and mature adults. With many kids in Orange County going back to school for hybrid forms of learning, let us not forget to put disposable kids masks on them. Let us educate them on the basics such as not touching their face, frequently washing their hands and to put as much distance between them and other kids as possible. As a matter of fact... let us all be reminded of our new pandemic related basics. I recently went through a drive through and saw people at a bar watching the Lakers Game who are in the finals. While there is nothing wrong with that, it made me think if maybe we are getting too relaxed with ourselves. There is no reason for us to let up just because we feel like the worst has past. The news is a stark reminder that this pandemic is still here. 


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